The Truth About Mental Health

It’s easy to tell a family member or a friend you have the flu or a broken leg for example, most people wouldn’t think twice about asking for a helping…

Liverpool To Egypt

I’m Dr. Mai Helmy from Menoufia University (Egypt) I got my PhD from Liverpool University at 2012. My supervisor is Dr. Marco Bertamini. I spent four years away from home!…

EHBEA Conference

I recently attended the EHBEA conference in London to present my research project. During the poster presentation session, we stood by our work as lots of different kinds of professionals…

A New Glimpse Into Working Memory

When you hold in mind a sentence you have just read or a phone number you’re about to dial, you’re engaging a critical brain system known as working memory. For the past several…

Inside Expertise

Inside Expertise: Science-based insights on the psychology of expert performance from Fernand Gobet, UoL and Morgan H. Ereku, Brunel University. Everybody knows what an expert is: it’s somebody like Tiger Woods and Michael…

Choosing The Topic

South Africa with LiverpoolOnline In my experience, to find a dissertation topic that was novel and original, of interest and relevant was not without challenges and frustrations. My first attempt was grandiose…

My First Conference

I attended the EHBEA Conference in London with a few other girls to present our research projects. We arrived on the Tuesday, stayed at a hostel, which was a laugh and a new…