Live Well

Not The Project You Want: Don’t Panic

When you start your Psychology degree your third year project seems to be so far away that you do not really give it much thought until mid-way through second year…

The Life Of A Commuter

Choosing to live at home seems to be a harder decision than choosing to move out. Home and halls both have their advantages and disadvantages and the main factors people…

First Year Prep: The Basics

First thing is first, congratulations! You have passed you’re a-levels, which is the hard part. Now it is time for you to gain your own independence, starting with you finding…

From College To University

As a first year student, I can personally say it is nerve-wracking coming from college to university. At first, I thought I’d find it easier than others because of the…

How To Make Stress Your Friend

Health Psychologist Kelly McGonigal: How to make stress your friend– change your mind and you will change your bodies response! Stress. It makes your heart pound, your breathing quicken and your…

Harvesting The Fruits Of My Hard Work

Two years passed since I decided to join online community of University of Liverpool. At that time I wasn’t even sure, whether Psychology was the subject that would help me…

Depression And Christmas

Christmas is the only event that I can think of that is imposed upon us whether we want it or not. Christmas now plays an enormous role in our economy.  Schools close,…

Good First-Time Student Advice

The Advice;   Wear jeans/pants that “breathe” and bring a sweater, even if it’s scorching hot out, until you know which building blasts the AC to 60 degrees F and…