Live Well

How To Take Notes From A Textbook

Knowing what to and what not to write down from a textbook is a often an issue when studying. Should I include this or is that completely necessary? Hopefully these…

5 Ways To Beat Loneliness

We all experience bouts of loneliness at times. It is common during times of flux and change (such as starting university or breaking up with someone). But it can also…

Recovery Record App

This is a great app for anyone who is struggling to recover from an eating disorder, such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, obsessive eating disorder, binge eating disorder and compulsive…

Lifelong Contentment, Happiness And Mental Well-Being

Peter Kinderman, Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Liverpool shares how to guarantee lifelong contentment, happiness and mental well-being… I were able to offer wise “self-help” advice that…

Things I Now Know

So I’m nearing the end of my degree, (I am trying not to focus too much about that at the moment, I’m pretty sure I was in first year last…