The Do’s And Don’ts Of Those Dreaded Statistics

After suffering (for use of a better word) 3 long years of statistics lectures and classes I can safely say I will not be sad to see the back of them! However I feel like I should pass on some tips of how to survive all those ‘what even is that symbol’ moment that most of us psychology students will experience at some point!

First of all, do not be afraid of statistics! This is probably easier said than done, and like most students who come to study psychology, the statistics part of the course was a bit of a shock. All those daunting SPSS outputs and formulas may look completely foreign but the only way to tackle them is to do them! The worst thing you could possibly do is to miss lectures or classes because it’s too confusing or boring, trust me you’ll need all the knowledge you can get when it comes to going it alone!

Secondly do make sure you speak to your lecturers. After all they are there to help and explain it all and are always more than happy to go over things with you. Try not to bury your head in the sand when it comes to statistics because it’s one of those things that everyone can do if they take a proactive approach to (and this coming from the world’s worst statistician shows that truly anyone can overcome the psychology stat phobia!)

Alternatively, if you’re one of those people who just ‘gets it’ then wonderful, but I can’t say I’ve ever met one.


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