Journey Down The Coast

Although Liverpool is a busy urban city, it does have its green spaces distributed throughout; one of the largest and well known parks is only a ten-minute bus ride from the city centre. Also, being on the coast of the UK, Liverpool is lucky enough to have its own beach that is home to Antony Gormley’s Another Place.

If you start at the top, Southport has its own beach and promenade with all of the seaside characteristics, such as arcades and candyfloss. As you move towards the city centre you reach Formby point. Formby does not offer the promenade like Southport, however it does have its own pine woods where you can visit squirrels and other animals that live within the woods.

Moving down along the beach you will arrive at Crosby, this is the most popular area of the beach due to it hosting Antony Gormley’s artwork; I would highly recommend going to see Another Place.

At almost all of these coastal locations you will food vendors and ice cream vans for the real ‘beach’ experience. You can get to all of the beaches via Merseyrail trains that are usually only a brief walk from the stations. Also, the beach is continuous so if you prefer your own peace and quiet you can stop at intermediate stations and make your way to the beaches there.

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