Student Friendly Bars And Pubs

Student friendly means the following bars/pubs are cost-friendly, attract mainly students and are infamous around universities.

Firstly, The Cambridge Pub, it is on the South Campus at Liverpool University. Its location and the outdoor seating makes it perfect for those sunny days when you have an early finish after lectures. The Font is also close to campus, opposite the Metropolitan Cathedral. Here you can get great value for money with cocktails as cheap as £2!

The Pilgrim is a great pub for students on a budget with bottles of Carlsberg for only £1 and deals such as two meals for £6.45. They also offer live music and are situated only a 10-minute walk from the Liverpool Guild of Students.

You cannot leave University without going on a ‘real’ night out in the city and these are the places you need to go to, completing your student experience. Pop World, there is one in most city centres and they are the place to go to fulfil your love for the music of the late 1990s/early 2000s. Also, Pop Worlds are pocket-friendly and Liverpool’s hosts a personal happy hour for your first hour, no matter what time you arrive.

Last but definitely not least… ‘The Raz’ or as it is formally known, Blue Angel. Like most popular bars it is situated on Seel Street making it easy to get to. You will hear many stories about The Raz making it a go-to place, especially during Fresher’s week.

You will find websites for most of these bars/pubs, however, I suggest just going and experiencing them for yourself, after all the best nights are the unplanned ones!

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Student Friendly Bars And Pubs

Student friendly means the following bars/pubs are cost-friendly, attract mainly students and...
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