
Summer Internships

Work experience within University is a great way to gain experience in the field of academia. As well as experience you will more than likely make useful connections with staff…

Voluntary Opportunities

Volunteering whilst studying is probably the easiest way to gain work experience as it is easier to get a voluntary role and it is usually flexible so you can fit…

BPS Membership

As you probably know, the British Psychological Society is the governing body for Psychological practices in the UK and determines the credibility of your degree course. They offer many services…

Scanning For Psychopaths

A recent finding by Dirk et al. (2016) used brain scans to show how a combination of individual traits function differently in criminals. Specifically, a strong focus on reward and…

Our Unhealthy Children

A recent pilot study by researchers in Liverpool, including the UoL’s Dr Jason Halford and Dr Joanne Harrold, suggests that migraine severity is associated with certain obesogenic eating behaviours. They…

The Pleasure Of Pain

Through reinforcement we a built to seek pleasure and avoid pain but this isn’t always the case, in fact, pain is becoming more popular. It is not just during BDSM…

Are Phones Good For Kids?

You can’t walk down the street without seeing kids, younger than teens, using their new smartphone. Technology is so readily available to children today and there is the question arising…

Where Do Brains Come From

Obviously the brains we have in our heads develop from conception to death but where do the brains we use for research come from? It is important for researches to…