The Disability Team

All of Liverpool’s Universities offer support to their disabled students and it is important know how and what support you can receive. The information provided is based on the University of Liverpool’s Disability Support Team (DST). LJMU and Liverpool Hope University also offer similar services.

The DST offers a drop-in service, daily, where you can go to find out about the extra support you are entitled to. From this appointment you can then attend a confidential one-to-one appointment for more information. The team can help you with applying for the relevant additional funding as well as helping to negotiate for reasonable adjustments to your learning. Also, you can loan specialist equipment and software where needed.

You are entitled to use the DST services if you qualify as one of the following; impaired psychically/visually/hearing, have a chronic or progressive medical condition, experience mental distress or specific learning difficulties.

If you think you require assistance in your learning, you need to contact the DST as soon as possible to start applications early.

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