Exam Preparation Tips

Preparing for exams can be daunting because we don’t want to accept that we will have to sit them any time soon. However, my biggest tip if you are preparing…

What Is A Dissertation?

When I started my Psychology degree I was not quite sure what a dissertation was. At first I thought it was another term for a third year project as some…

A Trip Into Town

First and foremost, sort your CV out; being at University you have access to free career advice! Get in-touch with your careers service (Career Hub at the University of Liverpool)…

Voluntary Opportunities

Volunteering whilst studying is probably the easiest way to gain work experience as it is easier to get a voluntary role and it is usually flexible so you can fit…

BPS Membership

As you probably know, the British Psychological Society is the governing body for Psychological practices in the UK and determines the credibility of your degree course. They offer many services…

Are Phones Good For Kids?

You can’t walk down the street without seeing kids, younger than teens, using their new smartphone. Technology is so readily available to children today and there is the question arising…