
The Disability Team

All of Liverpool’s Universities offer support to their disabled students and it is important know how and what support you can receive. The information provided is based on the University…

The Life Of A Commuter

Choosing to live at home seems to be a harder decision than choosing to move out. Home and halls both have their advantages and disadvantages and the main factors people…

First Year Prep: The Basics

First thing is first, congratulations! You have passed you’re a-levels, which is the hard part. Now it is time for you to gain your own independence, starting with you finding…

The Truth About Mental Health

It’s easy to tell a family member or a friend you have the flu or a broken leg for example, most people wouldn’t think twice about asking for a helping…

Liverpool To Egypt

I’m Dr. Mai Helmy from Menoufia University (Egypt) I got my PhD from Liverpool University at 2012. My supervisor is Dr. Marco Bertamini. I spent four years away from home!…

EHBEA Conference

I recently attended the EHBEA conference in London to present my research project. During the poster presentation session, we stood by our work as lots of different kinds of professionals…