University Of Liverpool

11 Reasons You Should Use R

R is a programming language that many researchers use to analyse their data. There are many reasons why you should consider learning R (with RStudio) in addition to SPSS, whether…

Mature Or Just Old

So in my 43rd year of life on this planet, most of it spent avoiding academia, it is somewhat ironic that I am now in my 3rd of Psychology a…

Gender Inequality In Academia

A few weeks ago, Channel 4’s interview with Jordan Peterson went viral, receiving over 4 million views in just one week. If you haven’t already watched it, you can watch…

How to Interact with Lecturers

University is a time for independence, professionalism, and to start acting like an adult (even though you probably don’t feel like one, just yet). An important part of developing these…

The Underrepresented

When tasked to write about the psychology of Liverpool, I asked myself “how could I possibly represent the psyche of the average Liverpudlian in 700 words?” The city has been…

A Drunk Heart Speaks a Sober Mind

The Dark Triad as a whole can be thought of as a short-term, agentic, exploitative social strategy [9]. Therefore, evolutionary psychologists suggest that Dark Triad traits are beneficial to those who…

Are You Smarter Than A Chimpanzee?

What makes humans special? What makes us different from animals?   “Are You Smarter Than A Chimpanzee?” is Ben Ambridge’s entertaining, illuminating new book that has a surprising answer. Really,…