Study Resources

The Psychologist App

The Psychologist App is available now as a free download for iOS and Android. Click here for more information.

Interval Studying

A life hack… Interval study, based on the idea that frequent breaks can improve mental agility.  Just use a kitchen timer.  Study in blocks of 25 minutes… then do something…

Yale Psychology Lecture Series

Superb Yale Psychology Lecture Series – This is your Brain, Freud, Skinner, Babies, Communication, Individual Differences, Morality, Mental Illness and Happiness… it is all there. All free and outstanding quality. Free…

The Reward Pathway Reinforces Behavior

The Reward Pathway Reinforces Behavior – This link leads you to a great walk-through of the reward pathway for those of you who are first year students struggling with the…

Lessons Worth Sharing

Use engaging videos on TED-Ed to create customized lessons. You can use, tweak, or completely redo any lesson featured on TED-Ed, or create lessons from scratch based on any video…

Becoming A Participant

For those of you who are psychology students at the University of Liverpool, you will be aware of the EPR scheme. For those of you who aren’t, or for those…

Psychology Broadcasts

All in the mind Claudia Hammond asks whether the use of physical restraint in mental health services should be eliminated. She’s joined by Jimmy Noak, director of nursing at Broadmoor Hospital,…