My First Conference

I attended the EHBEA Conference in London with a few other girls to present our research projects. We arrived on the Tuesday, stayed at a hostel, which was a laugh and a new experience for me in itself! We enjoyed walking through London and bumping in to Simon Webbe from the band BLUE who sang ‘ONE LOVE’ to us in the street! At the registration, we put up our posters on our designated stands and they looked so professional- we all felt immediately proud of our hard work and effort. We attended lectures by different professionals who told us about their work and beliefs and heard how other professionals in the audience agreed or disagreed with the opinions of the individual- that’s what psychology is all about after all!

On Tuesday evening, we had canapés and wine with all the other members at the conference which was nice as we got to talk to other people and ask what they were there for and there were all different types of people- people had travelled from all over just to come to this conference. This made me realise how lucky I was to have been given the opportunity to attend a conference such as this. We were given a task in our welcome pack to find different people, for example “find a evolutionary psychology”, “find a masters student” etc. On my team, I had Minna’s children Emile & Maia who were excellent team players and managed to find every individual that we needed to find- however, Emile was very disappointed when he realised that he hadn’t won £10,000 that he said he would have put towards buying his Lamborghini!


Unfortunately, due to family circumstances I had to leave the conference early which was a real shame as I missed out on presenting my poster. However, my poster was still up and presented by Minna! So, I am still very proud of my achievement and a lovely day and night spent at the EHBEA Conference in London 2016.

A big thank you to Minna for the fantastic opportunity and experience! And a big thank you to the girls who were so supportive when I had to leave early- I have made friends for life.



A contribution by Olivia Quinn for PsychLiverpool.

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