Get Your Geek On: Comic-Con

Comic-Con is a well known important date for your calendar if you are a comic enthusiast, however, the event is open to all and is an exciting new experience. You do not necessarily have to binge on comics at the weekend to enjoy this event as there are plenty of other aspects at Comic-Con.

If you have heard of Comic-Con before it is probably a reference to the San Diego Comic-Con, the first and arguably largest of all comic related events. Alternatively, if you do not fancy trekking across the pond, MCM is the company that runs Comic con across here in the UK. MCM offers Comic-Con events in; Northern Ireland, Manchester, Scotland, the Midlands and many more.

March 2016 was the first time that MCM hosted a Comic-Con event here in Liverpool. It attracted thousands of movie buffs, sci-fi fans, gamers, comic book collectors, movie and anime lovers. The event was so popular that MCM are continuing Liverpool Comic-Con annually.

At the event you will find stalls selling a variety of merchandise, including some unique pieces. Additionally, there will be guests attending who you will have the opportunity to talk to, get a signature from and get picture with. Also, the most appealing part for some, you get a chance to be your favourite character for the day and take part in the cosplay events.

For more information about MCM Liverpool 2017 and other MCM Comic-Con events click here.

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