The Opposite Ends Of Hope Street

There is no doubt that you have seen both of these beautiful buildings, being a student you have probably sat an exam in one of them to. However, if you have never had a good look beyond the doors, you should find the time to do so.

The Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral, a.k.a Paddy’s Wigwam, is a traditional catholic cathedral. First designed in 1853, the cathedral was not finally complete until 1967. Inside and out this cathedral is beautifully unique with a more modern design, in comparison to the more traditional looking Liverpool Anglican Cathedral. The Liverpool Anglican Cathedral, at the other end of Hope Street, was built between 1904-1978 and is a part of the Church of England religion.

Each cathedral has its own individual aspects to be explored by its visitors. The Metropolitan, for example, has its eerie crypt and an astounding grand organ. Whereas the Anglican offers a historic graveyard and some interesting interior aspects, such as the ‘whispering walls’. Also, the Anglican Cathedral offers The Tower Experience which gives you the opportunity to climb to the top of the Cathedral and see the city from a new perspective.

You can discover both cathedrals free of cost and there are cafés on both sites providing lunch. Also, as they are only a road apart you can take the whole day to explore both. These Cathedrals offer a vast amount history and beauty for a valuable experience.

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